Aggregated Reporting Across Multiple Data Sources
ECS offers a full suite of customizable Section 111 reporting programs to meet your compliance needs. From fully integrated solutions for large enterprises to hybrid and direct-entry options for small and mid-size companies the Mandatory Insurer Reporting Suite ensures timely and accurate reporting with no claim left behind.

Section 111 Reporting
ECS’s sophisticated data warehouse automatically links Section 111 reporting data to conditional payment and Medicare Set-Aside claims, allowing for customized management reports linking all aspects of MSP compliance. Our system receives data from over 700 separate data sources (TPAs, Carriers, Employers, Attorneys, etc.) and can provide a single page snapshot of your claims data.

Civil Money Penalty (CMP) Compliance
Section 111 reporting was enacted to coordinate care of Medicare beneficiaries with non-group health claims (NGHP), recover millions in conditional payments made by Medicare and ultimately to generate additional revenues to support Medicare Secondary Payer oversight through Civil Monetary Penalties (CMP) levied against the industry. Under the 2020 proposal, CMS seeks to impose civil money penalties in a variety of situations. ECS’ industry leading reporting platform helps to mitigate CMP exposure.
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