Who We Are
ECS was formed in 2014 from the acquisition and consolidation of two pillars within the Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) compliance industry: Gould & Lamb, providers of MSP compliance and reporting services, and MedAllocators/Ability Services Network, a national provider of MSP compliance and case management. Launched as Examworks Clinical Solutions, the new company offered unprecedented, integrated services aimed at managing high dollar complex Medicare, medical, and pharmaceutical claims.
In May 2020, the organization name was changed to ExamWorks Compliance Solutions. A single word change, but one that truly reflects the core of what is offered by ECS.
Further expanding in 2024, ECS acquired and integrated Optum Settlement Solutions.
Today, our mission remains focused on providing the most comprehensive, creative, and customizable compliance and reporting solutions for the marketplace. Leveraging extensive clinical and legal experience, ECS merges the scale, talent and technology of an established compliance provider with the creativity, customer service and flexibility of a boutique firm.
Are you ready to put the power of ECS to work for your company?
Who We Serve
ECS works with 24 of the top 25 largest property/casualty carriers as ranked by A.M. Best. Our clients include property and casualty insurance carriers, law firms, third-party claim administrators, self-insured companies and funds as well as government agencies that use independent services to confirm the veracity of claims by sick or injured individuals under automotive, disability, liability and workers’ compensation insurance coverages.

ExamWorks Compliance Solutions is part of ExamWorks LLC, the leading provider of independent medical examinations, peer reviews, bill reviews, Medicare compliance, case management, record retrieval, document management and related services in the United States and beyond. For more information about these services, contact your expert Regional Compliance Consultant.
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